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  • BSI Flex 1903 v2:2024-06 community preview

    This is an interactive version 2 of BSI Flex 1903. The aim of the standard is to create a lexicon of standard terms and acronyms used in this sector. Please note, content is still undergoing internal review and there may be minor changes at full publication.

    We welcome your engagement and comments on this version to help inform the development of the standard. We would also welcome general feedback including what terms could be considered for future versions and these can be made through our dedicated feedback page .

Terms and definitions

3.1 Terms and definitions
  1. network command and control (C2)  

    type of data link architecture established between a uncrewed aircraft (UA) (3.1.134) and its command unit which relies on a distributed communication network provided by parties external to the uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) (3.1.137) operator   NOTE 1 Examples include cellular networks, satellite communications and uncrewed aircraft (UA)( 3.1.134) area networks. NOTE 2 Providers of these services are sometimes referred to as a  command and control (C2) link (3.1.41) communicatio
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  2. non-deterministic  

    characteristic of a system or algorithm such that, when functioning as designed and given identical inputs, it is capable of producing different outputs   NOTE A non-deterministic solution might not give the same output for the same given set of inputs because, for example, processing changes have been introduced from a learning mechanism based on previous system experience.
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  3. nominal voltage  

    standard or average voltage level assigned to a battery or cell for general identification and classification purposes   NOTE 1 Provides a theoretical or approximate value that is used as a reference point, actual voltage levels vary within a specified range around this nominal value. NOTE 2 Usually associated with the specific type or chemistry of the battery, e.g. lithium-ion batteries usually have a nominal voltage of 3.6 or 3.7 volts per cell.
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  4. non-urban air mobility (NAM)  

    subset of advanced air mobility (AAM) (3.1.1) operations where all segments of the flight are outside congested (urban) areas   NOTE Potentially relevant to future AAM regulatory requirements based on definitions of the operating environment characteristics.   [SOURCE: EASA, Opinion No 03/2023] [31]
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  1. operational design domain (ODD)  

    specific set of operating conditions and parameters under which an automated, semi-autonomous or remotely piloted system is designed and intended to operate safely and effectively   NOTE 1 Applicable to advanced air mobility (AAM) (3.1.1) and uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) (3.1.137) technologies. NOTE 2 Considerations include, but are not limited to: a) environmental conditions; b) geographical area; c) operating altitude and speed; d) time of day; e) command and control
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  2. operational volume  

    combination of the contingency volume (3.1.44) and the flight volume (3.1.72) [SOURCE: UK CAA, CAP 722D, Unmanned aircraft system operations in UK airspace: Abbreviations and master glossary] [6]   Previous Version: 1.0 Release date: September 2023  combination of the flight volume (3.1.45)  and the contingency volume (3.1.25) [SOURCE: UK CAA CAP 722D, Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace: Abbreviations and Master Glossary, 2nd edition, December 2022] [5]
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  3. operations manual  

    manual containing procedures, instructions and guidance for use by operational personnel in the execution of their duties  [SOURCE: UK CAA, CAP 722D, Unmanned aircraft system operations in UK airspace: Abbreviations and master glossary] [6]   Previous Version: 1.0 Release date: September 2023  manual containing procedures, instructions and guidance for use by operational personnel in the execution of their duties  [SOURCE: UK CAA CAP 722D, Unmanned Aircraft System Operat
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  1. radio frequency (RF)  

    electromagnetic frequencies used for radio or related purposes [SOURCE: CUP, The Cambridge aerospace dictionary] [27]   Previous Version: 1.0 Release date: September 2023  electromagnetic frequencies used for radio or related purposes [SOURCE: The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary, second edition, 2009] [20]
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  2. radio line of sight  

    direct radio link point-to-point contact between a transmitter and a receiver  [SOURCE: UK CAA, CAP 722D, Unmanned aircraft system operations in UK airspace: Abbreviations and master glossary] [6]   Previous Version: 1.0 Release date: September 2023  direct radio link point-to-point contact between a transmitter and a receiver [SOURCE : UK CAA CAP 722D, Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace: Abbreviations and Master Glossary, 2nd edition, December 2022] [5]
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  3. regional air mobility  

    advanced air mobility which refers to air transportation aircraft with ranges of 100-300km and a passenger capacity less than or equal to 19 passengers  [SOURCE: UK CAA, Future flight aircraft capabilities: Exploring the requirements of next-generation aircraft, modified] [32]   Previous Version: 1.0 Release date: September 2023  air transportation aircraft with ranges of 100km to 300 km and a passenger capacity less than or equal to 19 passengers. [SOURCE: UK Civil Avia
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  4. remote crew member  

    member of the crew that performs duties essential to the safety of flight, whose duties and responsibilities have been assigned by the UAS operator    NOTE The remote crew can include the remote pilot in command (RPIC) (3.1.119), airspace observer (3.1.9), maintenance staff, launch and recovery system operators   [SOURCE: JARUS, SORA 2.5 Annex I (Glossary of Terms) [33]
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  5. remote pilot  

    natural person responsible for safely conducting the flight of an uncrewed aircraft by operating its flight controls, either manually or, when the uncrewed aircraft flies automatically, by monitoring its course and remaining able to intervene and change the course at any time [SOURCE: UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, modified “unmanned” changes to “uncrewed” [34]
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  6. remote pilot in command (RPIC)  

    person, nominated by the uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) (3.1.137) operator, responsible for the safe conduct of the flight of an uncrewed aircraft (UA) (3.1.134) by operating its flight controls, either manually or, when the unmanned aircraft flies automatically, by monitoring its course and remaining able to intervene and change the course at any time [SOURCE: JARUS, SORA 2.5 Annex I (Glossary of Terms) [33]   Previous Version: 1.0 Release date: September 2023  remote pilot
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  7. rotorcraft  

    power-driven, heavier-than-air aircraft that depends principally for its support in flight on the lift generated by up to two rotors [SOURCE: EASA, Opinion No 03/2023] [31]  
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  1. secondary surveillance radar (SSR)  

    surveillance radar system which uses transmitters/receivers (interrogators) and transponders [SOURCE: ICAO, Doc 4444, Procedures for air navigation services, Air traffic management] [12]   Previous Version: 1.0 Release date: September 2023  surveillance radar system which uses transmitters/receivers and transponders [SOURCE: ICAO Doc 4444 Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Air Traffic Management, 16th Edition, 2016] [9]
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  2. segregated beyond visual line of sight (S-BVLOS) operations  

    beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) (3.1.35) operation where the primary means of achieving safe separation from crewed aircraft is using airspace structures which are intended to reduce the likelihood of an otherwise unmitigated encounter with a crewed aircraft to an acceptable level   NOTE Examples of airspace structures that are used for segregation include permanent or temporary danger areas, prohibited areas and restricted areas.   Previous Version: 1.0 Release date: Sep
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  3. series hybrid  

    form of electric/hybrid propulsion system (EHPS) (3.1.59) where only the electric motors are connected to the fans/rotors/propellers, and a combustion engine is used to drive an electrical generator which powers the electric motors and/or charges the batteries
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  4. series/parallel partial hybrid  

    form of electric/hybrid propulsion system (EHPS) (3.1.59) with a fan/rotor/propeller driven by a combustion engine and additional fans/rotors/propellers are driven exclusively by electrical motors which can be powered by a battery or by a generator driven by the combustion motor
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  5. solid state battery  

    advanced type of rechargeable battery technology that differs from traditional batteries in that the composition of its electrolyte is a solid material   NOTE 1 Conventional lithium-ion batteries typically use liquid or gel electrolytes. NOTE 2 The use of solid-state electrolyte offers potential advantages over liquid or gel electrolyte batteries in terms of safety, energy density and lifespan.
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