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Welcome to the Future Flight Standards Hub

The Future Flight Standards Hub is designed to accelerate the development of Future Flight demonstrators and wider industry innovation based on emerging best practice, knowledge sharing, and standards support.

Standards Discussions


  1. BSI Flex 1903 Vocabulary Discussions

    Welcome to the discussions space relating to the Vocabulary Flex. Please feel free to share thoughts, questions, and comments in the threads below. 

  2. BSI Flex 1904 Operational Design Domain Discussions

    Welcome to the discussions space relating to the BSI Flex ODD. Here you will find the latest updates, questions and ways to get involved in the development of this Flex. Please feel free to share thoughts, questions, and comments in the threads below. 

  3. BSI PAS 1905 Guidance and other supporting materials Discussions

    Here you will find all relevent discussions, updates, and questions related to this page. 

  4. BSI Flex 1906 Acceptable means of compliance to Specific Operation Risk Assessment (SORA) Discussions

    Welcome to the discussions space relating to the development of the BSI Flex 1906, if you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to add them here. 

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  5. Roadmap UAS Pathway

    The UAS pathway standards roadmap has been grouped into 10 themes - Competency, Operations, Enterprise Safety Management and Assurance, Flightworthiness, C2 / C3 Link, Digital Trust and Assurance, Airspace Integration, Electronic Conspicuity, Detect and Avoid and Class Marking. Please scroll down to share your feedback.

    To download and view the full UAS roadmap, head here, and share your feedback here. When sharing feedback on the UAS roadmap as a whole, please consider: are there any major themes that you think we’ve missed? Are there any specific standards that should be in the top list?

    We look forward to your comments to produce a valuable resource to advance the industry towards routine UAS BVLOS Operations in integrated airspace at scale.

    Where appropriate, please add your comments in the relevant individual discussion thread. To do so, head to thread and click "reply", please avoid starting new topic discussions. For any overall comments, please head over to the full UAS roadmap thread.  


  6. Roadmap eVTOL Pathway

    The eVTOL pathway standards roadmap has been grouped into 11 themes. These include: Competency, Airworthiness, Enterprise Safety management and AssuranceVertiports, Energy Infrastructure, Operations, Digital trust and assurance, Airspace IntegrationDetect and Avoid, C2/C3 link and , Manufacturing. Please scroll down to share your feedback.

    To download and view the full eVTOL roadmap head here, share any overall feedback here. When sharing feedback on the eVTOL roadmap as a whole, please consider: are there any major themes that you think we’ve missed? Are there any specific standards that should be in the top list?

    We look forward to your comments to produce a valuable resource to advance the industry towards routine commercial passenger-carrying piloted (and in the longer-term autonomous) eVTOL Operations

    Where appropriate, please add your comments in the relevant individual discussion thread. To do so, head to thread and click "reply", please avoid starting new topic discussions. For any overall comments, please head over to the full eVTOL feedback thread.

    Please note, the feedback deadline is the 16th of October 2024.

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