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Welcome to the Future Flight Standards Hub

The Future Flight Standards Hub is designed to accelerate the development of Future Flight demonstrators and wider industry innovation based on emerging best practice, knowledge sharing, and standards support.

Introducing: Future Flight Standards Landscape v2.0!


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We're pleased to launch the exclusive community preview of the second iteration of the Future Flight Standards Landscape. The landscape was developed through feedback and support from industry and the Future Flight community, and we'd love to hear what you think. Please feel free to share your initial thoughts or questions below. Equally, if you are using it to support your projects, sharing with your colleagues, or perhaps even linking to this in your documentations/presentations, do let us know!

Please note, the landscape will initially be available to Future Flight Standards Hub members only, and released later to wider stakeholders later this month. Until then, do feel free to invite your colleagues to join the hub to view the landscape. 


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Looks fab, congratulations to all. How is it for industry, is the broader landscape more useful?

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Thank you for the link to an interesting collection of documents.  Four questions please:

- how are the documents arranged, it doesn't appear to be chronological or alphabetical?

- how is decided whether a document is included or not?

- at least one document had a price tag of $900+, not something affordable on many budgets.  Maybe have a free precis available? 

- if a paper is disputed how is this depicted/recognised?

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Thank you very much for your comment and questions Tom, please see more specific answers below.

We’re looking to launch more guidance documents shortly, ahead of that, a note to mention that the landscape is intended as a useful tool for the industry and the community to help navigate the growing landscape of standards supporting Future Flight. We welcome further feedback on how best to optimise this for users in any possible future iterations, alongside any possible standards gaps in the landscape that are key for industry moving forward.  


- how are the documents arranged, it doesn't appear to be chronological or alphabetical?  

In the searchable view, you are able to sort the data in a way that best suits your needs. Should you wish to have this sorted in an alphabetical order, click on the “Title” field, and it will sort the results A-Z, click “Title” again, and it will sort the results Z-A. If you’d like to sort chronologically by publication date, click “Publication Date” and it will arrange the results with the most recent first, click on “Publication Date” again and it will arrange them oldest first.


- how is decided whether a document is included or not? 

In the coming weeks, we will be publishing a number of supporting documents and content that will complement the landscape including additional guidance and further insights. This will include how the landscape was generated – this should provide more detail and help answer the above question.


- at least one document had a price tag of $900+, not something affordable on many budgets.  Maybe have a free precis available? 

This standards landscape is designed to signpost to a range of global standards and international issuing bodies, as such both paid and free standards are included. While you will find a range of information in the pop-up box within the tool, (probably as you have already seen!), by clicking the “source” button, you will be taken directly to the issuers website. For BSI standards, we do have a precis available for our standards, however due to copyright issues we are not able to share or provide this on behalf of other issuing bodies. If you have any questions about BSI standards specifically, (or suggestions for areas where further standards could be developed!) please do share either here, or via email to us directly on futureflight@bsigroup.com)  


- if a paper is disputed how is this depicted/recognised? 

The scope of the landscape covers standards, and in particular those that are either published or in development.. (With data being accurate as of February 2024.) If you are referring to something else, please do send us a note on the above email.


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