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Welcome to the Future Flight Standards Hub

The Future Flight Standards Hub is designed to accelerate the development of Future Flight demonstrators and wider industry innovation based on emerging best practice, knowledge sharing, and standards support.

Consortium Mission

Sees.ai's advanced drone system unlocks autonomous flight in industrial environments, at a national scale, for the first time. It will use one of the world's most advanced solutions for unmanned flight and data capture at scale. Sees.ai's solution puts remote pilots in charge of connected and autonomous drones. The system is capable of remotely addressing even the most complex, close-quarter missions and can deliver safe and efficient operation of drone fleets at a national scale. To help the UK accelerate towards the adoption of autonomy, sees.ai is deploying the technology in industrial environments first. This will include the UK electricity grid and rail network, showing that the technology is not only exceptional but safe in the eyes of the regulator too.

Consortium Details

Autonomous flight is a general purpose technology with enormous commercial potential.

As a result a lot of resources are being put into solving for Logistics and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM).

We want to provide these companies with the world's most advanced solution for autonomous unmanned flight and we took the first steps in FFP2.

In FFP2 the consortium led by sees.ai has developed a technology that enables BVLOS flights on demand, at low altitude and close to obstacles.

In our system the Pilot designs the mission; our UAS senses and maps the world in 3D using Lidars and Cameras, allowing it to fly autonomously close to and amongst infrastructure. The 3D map is sent in real-time to the pilot who supervises the mission remotely for safety.

This technology provided the necessary safety and risk mitigations that allowed us to obtain the first authorisation for routine BVLOS approved by the CAA. Although the system is designed to work in any congested area (including urban) the authorisation is limited to a number of predefined industrial sites in which we will build our safe flight record.

In FFP3 we are pushing the technology and our operational safety case to extend our current capabilities to:

Enable Atypical Airspace (AA) BVLOS inspection of assets in the public domain by:

  • Advancing the capabilities of our DAA (Detect and Avoid System) so it can detect vehicles and people on the ground and any approaching aircraft
  • Embedding our operations into the wider aviation ecosystem by integrating them into a commercial UTM system.
  • Developing a system that can provide comms between UAS and pilot in areas with poor or no 4G/5G coverage.
  • Leveraging our advanced spatial awareness and our integration into the aviation ecosystem to create a solid Concept of Operations that will allow us to obtain one of the world's first approvals for AA-BVLOS.
  • Enable a pilot to control multiple UAS, an important step towards increasing the efficiency and scalability of UAS operations. We will also be aiming to be one of the first companies to obtain regulatory authorisation to fly multiple UAS simultaneously in AA.

With these advancements our consortium will be hoping to contribute to the BVLOS infrastructure of the future.

At the end of the project we will have a number of systems that will be tried and tested and ready to be deployed regularly by our clients.

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