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Welcome to the Future Flight Standards Hub

The Future Flight Standards Hub is designed to accelerate the development of Future Flight demonstrators and wider industry innovation based on emerging best practice, knowledge sharing, and standards support.

Acronyms you might come across

Dimitri Panagio

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To help you navigate the roadmap, here’s a quick reference to the acronyms you might come across.


  • AFHA - Aircraft Functional Hazard Assessment
  • AI – Artificial Intelligence
  • AMC – Acceptable Means of Compliance
  • CAA – Civil Aviation Authority
  • CASA – Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  • C2 / C3 – Command and Control / and Communications
  • DFT – Department for Transport
  • EASA – European Aviation Safety Agency
  • EUROCAE - European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
  • eVTOL – electric Vertical Take off and Landing
  • FAA – Federal Aviation Administration
  • FHA - Functional Hazard Assessment
  • FSTD - Flight Simulation Training Device
  • IVHM – Integrated Vehicle Health Management
  • MASPS - Minimum Aviation Systems Performance Standard
  • MNO – Mobile Network Operator
  • MOPS - Minimum Operational Performance Standards
  • OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer
  • PASA - Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment
  • UAS – Uncrewed / Unmanned Aircraft System
  • UAV – Uncrewed / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • UK – United Kingdom
  • USS - UAS Service Supplier
  • UTM - UAS Traffic Management
  • VTOL - Vertical Take Off and Landing
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