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Feedback on Detect and Avoid (DAA)


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The Detect and Avoid (DAA) theme covers the development and approval of a proposed DAA solution:

Please provide your feedback and thoughts on: 


  • Are there significant standards being used that we have missed? 
  • Are you aware of standards in development that we need to include? 


  • Do you agree with the recommendations? 
  • Are we missing recommendations? 


P.S. You may also download the full UAS Pathway Standards Roadmap and provide general feedback in the full roadmap thread.

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  • Hester changed the title to Feedback on Detect and Avoid (DAA)

Please can we add the following to the Published list:

ASTM Standard Specification for Surveillance Supplementary Data Service Providers (Designation: F3623 − 23)


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Thanks for your input Steve, this was indeed captured in the initial long list. We will add it to the short list (i.e. the above table) in the next iteration. 

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