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Welcome to the Future Flight Standards Hub

The Future Flight Standards Hub is designed to accelerate the development of Future Flight demonstrators and wider industry innovation based on emerging best practice, knowledge sharing, and standards support.

Acronyms you might come across


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To help you navigate the roadmap, here’s a quick reference to the acronyms you might come across.


  • A2A – Air-to-Air
  • ACJA – Aerial Connectivity Joint Activity
  • ACAS - Airborne Collision Avoidance System
  • ADS-B - Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast
  • AFHA - Aircraft Functional Hazard Assessment
  • AI – Artificial Intelligence
  • AMC – Acceptable Means of Compliance
  • CAA – UK Civil Aviation Authority
  • C2 / C3 – Command and Control / and Communications
  • DfT – Department for Transport
  • FHA - Functional Hazard Assessment
  • GBSS - Ground Based Surveillance System
  • GMM - General Maintenance Manual
  • GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite System
  • HIRF - High-Intensity Radiated Fields
  • IFR – Instrument Flight Rules
  • MASPS - Minimum Aviation Systems Performance Standard
  • MNO – Mobile Network Operator
  • MOPS - Minimum Operational Performance Standards
  • OSED - Operational Services and Environment Definition
  • OSO - Operational Safety Objectives
  • PASA - Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment
  • PDRA – Pre-defined Risk Assessment
  • RPAS – Remotely Piloted Aircraft System(s)
  • SORA – Specific Operations Risk Assessment
  • sUAS - Small Unmanned Aircraft System(s)
  • TIS-B – Traffic Information Service - Broadcast
  • UAS – Uncrewed / Unmanned Aircraft System
  • UAT - Universal Access Transceiver
  • UAV – Uncrewed / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • UFM - Unmanned Aircraft Flight Manual
  • USS - UAS Service Supplier
  • UTM - UAS Traffic Management
  • VTOL - Vertical Take Off and Landing

Operational Safety Objectives

  • OSO #03 - UAS maintained by competent and/or proven entity
  • OSO #04 - UAS components essential to safe operations are designed to an Airworthiness Design Standard (ADS)
  • OSO #06 - C3 link characteristics (e.g., performance, spectrum use) are appropriate for the operation
  • OSO #09 - Remote crew trained and current
  • OSO #16 - Multi crew coordination
  • OSO #17 - Remote crew is fit to operate
  • OSO #20 - A Human Factors evaluation has been performed and the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) found appropriate for the mission
  • OSO #23 - Environmental conditions for safe operations defined, measurable and adhered to
  • OSO #24 - UAS designed and qualified for adverse environmental conditions
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